Friday, June 6, 2014

1996 - Vor-Tech!












Another forgotten cartoon show despite having a toy line to go with it.  The people that do remember refer to it as the reboot of the 80's cartoon "M.A.S.K" because it was basically the same thing. It was the fastest production I have ever worked on, from script to broadcast was about six months. It was literally put on TV the day it got back from Korea ( For you youngins out there, cartoons used to be sent to Korea to be animated ). 

This was also one of the last action/adventure cartoon shows on TV. By that I mean the shows that were made for TV  ( He-man, Trans formers, Thundercats, etc ) and did not have a "pre-sold" audience ( show based on books ). They all sort of died in the mid to late 90's when all major networks decided to ditch the Saturday morning cartoon block. Now the action/adventure series are mostly based on established comic books and Saturday morning is only on specialty networks. 

A bygone era I was glad to be a part of while it lasted. 


  1. Who are each of these characters, if I may ask? Also, do you have any idea how to see Vor-Tech episodes nowadays?

  2. Who are each of these characters, if I may ask? Also, do you have any idea how to see Vor-Tech episodes nowadays?

  3. Accidental double post because it hiccuped after I tried to post the first one and didn't seem to have worked.

  4. All of them are extras and episode specific characters, don't really remember there names. You will probably never see this cartoon but you might find something on Youtube.
