Friday, February 8, 2013

Pixar Boldly Goes Where No Man Has Gone Before!













Well if I did "Star Wars", I had to do "Star Trek". It just makes sense.


Wes said...

Wow, the color of Sulu's skin is a little insulting.

Phil Postma said...

I'am Sorry if the skin colour is wrong, I tried my best to match a photo I have, but I am also colour blind and I don't always get it right.

Chad Carter said...

What's the point of making a comment about skin color which no one except a complete a-hole would ever notice, much less take offense at?

stan slaughter said...

Klingon seems to be channeling a little of the spirit of Animal from the muppet show

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Forget what the haters say. You stuff is brilliant. I have never seen such a collection of imagination in one place in a long time. I can't say enough good about your art.

Ju-osh said...

"Well if I did 'Star Wars', I had to do 'Star Trek'. It just makes sense."

I think that's J.J. Abrams' reasoning...

Anonymous said...

These crack me up! Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

Joseph Mann said...

these are just awesome. I'd love to see an animated series done like this. nice work!

Rob Hollander said...

Love these. If you ever sell them as posters, let me know. Really inspired.

Michael James said...

Don't let the naysayers discourage your talented work. If they can do better, let them post their own alternatives.

Unknown said...

They're so cool - you should deffo make them into printed posters - I think they're awesome B-)

David E. Powell said...

I liked Sulu, was the corner of the mouth his laugh line, or a go at the scar from Mirror Sulu? It worked. Kirk, Scotty, Uhura and Chekov were all spot on in personality and look. Agree about "Animal from the Muppets Klingon" which so fits. The Romulan has a great "Pixar heavy" look, while still looking close to Spock. Spock and the Romulan both look like they could walk into "Up" and fit right in the way they are rendered. Good job all around.

Unknown said...

Love it! Have you thought of trying a hand at the Next Gen.

Phil Postma said...

Sorry Launa, No next Gen. I just did these to get to know Photoshop and is the last of the big groups of characters in Pixar style.

Frank said...


Thank you very much.

xaudia said...

Totally brilliant!

antdude said...

Fun post. Well done. Reminds me I need to get back to delving into Photoshop secrets.

The only ones I'd add would be Khan and Harry Mudd.

Barney said...

Make them into action figures...I would buy a set....yes, I am a geek... :-)

Unknown said...

Brilliant, simple as that. Good work!!!

GM-Chugosh said...

Thank you sir! truly a fun glance at what could be.

As a Klingon fan I especially like the Klingon.

Unknown said...

Fab work! Sugestion.... Why not do it for Babylon 5 cast as well ;)

DochSavage said...

Another vote for Babylon 5! (And engage the defense grid)

Unknown said...

Amazing work! I love these!!!
And another vote for Babylon 5. Can't wait to see Kosh Pixarified ;-)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, GREEN Slave Girls? They're obviously EMERALD...*tsk*


Pothead said...

the klingon looks like a taliban
xD xD xD

mike said...

Well done! I particularly enjoy how the setting of each image supports the portrait, e.g., Scotty in the engine room, the Romulan next to a cloaking device, etc. What else do you have?

Barry said...

I love these, there is a great sense of fun here. That said, some of them are not quite on, IMHO. Shatner/Kirk's face was round, not tall and angular. Takei/Sulu, just the opposite - his face was square, yet you have it round as a beach ball.

You totally nailed both Scotty and Bones, though! Such attitude! And the aliens are all heaps of fun.

The love you have for these characters truly shines through here. Nicely done.

Elmo Rosa said...

Andorian reminds me Howard from 'The Big bang Theory'.

Anonymous said...

Sulu looks like a Pikachu. He's Asian, not alien. ?? o_O

brianeisley said...

Really like all of these... except Sulu. Yes, the yellow skin is racist and offensive.

And anyone saying otherwise is racist too.

J said...

These are awesome, great work. Anyone who says anything you did here was racist, is racist! (lul)

Wanderer Werewolf said...

I like it! :) I have to say, though, you went a touch overboard on some of the noses; where Kirk, Sulu, Chekov and Uhura look like the style of "The Incredibles", the noses on Scotty and Spock are a bit big for that same style. And McCoy... well, I'll be honest, using that jaw style with that nose makes him look a bit like a chimpanzee.

For the other characters, the Cherons are great! Your Romulan has a bit too much of Anton Ego in him, mind, and the Klingon is a bit angular for the way they were handled on TOS. And the Andorian's smile... not so much. But the others look great!

zhaanman said...

Ha! This is a riot I love the creative idea behind them all! Right down to the scenes the charactures are in truly A Treking moment displayed with Style Ha!!!!

sensecommon said...

Brilliant ang fun. To hell with the "offended".

Duplez said...

Dare I say ... incredible. Really great art,concept and appropriate sense of the absurd. Wonderful images.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Ok, so when does Pixar start the movie? That's just too good to pass up! LOL

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Dear people. If you doubt his words, it is relatively easy to do some research to confirm his colour blindness statement before you scream "RACIST LIAR".

Here's a colour blindness filter. Use it on this web page.

junewilliams7 said...
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junewilliams7 said...

This is AMAZING! I'm impressed that you did all these just "to get to know Photoshop." Am also impressed that you are colour blind, yet work with colours.

Duplez said...

Amazing stuff.
As much as I'd like to see your take on a variety of characters and themes, I'd much rather see something original. Looking forward to more.


Unknown said...

wow this is awesome work! what do you use to create them?

Unknown said...

Incredible work, especially given the colour blindness issue! The colours are all pretty well spot on.

I would retouch Sulu at some point - he has greenish-yellow skin with reddish-pink shadows on his cheek dimple and mouth corner (so the shadow and mid colours do not match at all). The skin's not badly out, given it's a cartoon, but the pink shaded dimples makes it look like the file has data corruption or something else that has gone badly wrong.

Spock's a little too vampire grey in skin colour, but within the realm of reason for the medium.

Unknown said...

Commenting a bit late, here, but I was delighted with most of the Pixaresque characterizations for the ST:TOS folk. Agree that your Sulu's a bit chubby, and Kirk may be closer to Chris Pine than Bill Shatner. Also, given color blindness (I have a friend who has the same problem and does wonderful--and colorful--artwork), most worked (I assume you were able to test RGB color values in PhotoShop from originals in many cases). The one character I thought was off was the Andorian; they were closer to a baby blue than a violet.

jeff snow said...

These are Awesome!I Love them all!!
and to those saying the skin color is'offensive and racist.'. Seriously?...Get a life, people.

sherlockjr said...

Is Sulu an alien?

Unknown said...
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Kim Dall said...

I thought Kirk looked a bit like Mr. Incredible. Lol....loved the Uhura!